Texts and Readings in Physical Sciences

Lectures on Advanced Mathematical Methods for Physicists
Sunil Mukhi and N. Mukunda

Trip 9This book presents a survey of Topology and Differential Geometry and also, Lie Groups and Algebras, and their Representations. The first topic is indispensable to students of gravitation and related areas of modern physics, (including string theory) while the second has applications in gauge theory and particle physics, integrable systems and nuclear physics.

Part I provides a simple introduction to basic topology, followed by a survey of homotopy. Calculus of differentiable manifolds is then developed, and a Riemannian metric is introduced along with the key concepts of connections and curvature. The final chapters lay out the basic notions of simplicial homology and De Rham cohomology as well as fibre bundles, particularly tangent and cotangent bundles.

Part II starts with a review of group theory, followed by the basics of representation theory. A thorough description of Lie groups and algebras is presented with their structure constants and linear representations. Root systems and their classifications are detailed, and this section of the book concludes with the description of representations of simple Lie algebras, emphasizing spinor representations of orthogonal and pseudo-orthogonal groups.

The style of presentation is succinct and precise. Involved mathematical proofs that are not of primary importance to physics student are omitted. The book aims to provide the reader access to a wide variety of sources in the current literature, in addition to being a textbook of advanced mathematical methods for physicists.
"I recommend the text to theoretical physicists and mathematicians who want to get exposed to a different presentation and applications of group theory."
--Mathematical Reviews
Part I: Topology and Differential Geometry
1. Topology
2. Homotopy
3. Differentiable Manifolds I
4. Differentiable Manifolds II
5. Homology and Cohomology
6. Fibre Bundles

Part II: Group Theory and Structure and Representations of Compact Simple Lie Groups and Algebras
7 Review of Groups and Related Structures
8 Review of Group Representations
9 Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
10 Linear Representations of Lie Algebras
11 Complexification and Classification of Lie Algebras
12 Geometry of Roots for Compact Simple Lie Algebras
13 Positive Roots, Simple Roots, Dynkin Diagrams
14 Lie Algebras and Dynkin Diagrams for SO(2l), SO(2l+1), USp(2l),SU(l + 1)
15 Complete Classification of All CSLA Simple Root Systems
16 Representations of Compact Simple Lie Algebras
17 Spinor Representations for Real Orthogonal Groups
18 Spinor Representations for Real Pseudo Orthogonal Groups

Texts and Readings in Physical Sciences/ 9
Reprinted 2014, 286 pp., Papercover, 978-93-80250-68-7, Rs.750.000