Texts and Readings in Mathematics
Introduction to the Theory of Standard Monomials(2/E)
C. S. Seshadri

This book is a reproduction of a course of lectures given by the author in 1983-84 which appeared in the Brandeis Lecture Notes series. The aim of this course was to give an introduction to the series of papers by concentrating on the case of the full linear group. In recent years, there has been great progress in SMT due to the work of Peter Littelmann. Seshadri's course of lectures (reproduced in this book) remains an excellent introduction to SMT.
In the second edition, Conjectures of a Standard Monomial Theory (SMT) for a general semi-simple (simply-connected) algebraic group, due to Lakshmibai, have been added as Appendix C. Many typographical errors have been corrected, and the bibliography has been revised.
1.Introduction2.Schubert varieties in the Grassmannian
3.Standard monomial theory on SLn(k)/Q
5.Schubert varieties in G/Q
Appendix A. Cohen-Macaulay Properties
Appendix B. Normality of Schubert varieties
Appendix C. Standard monomial theory
Texts and Readings in Mathematics/ 46
2014‚ 9789380250588‚ 236 pages‚ paper cover‚ Rs. 450.00
2014‚ 9789380250588‚ 236 pages‚ paper cover‚ Rs. 450.00