HBA Texts in Mathematics

Introduction to Group Theory
Oleg Bogopolski

Other An Introduction to Group TheoryThis book quickly introduces beginners to general group theory and then focuses on three main themes: finite group theory, including sporadic groups; combinatorial and geometric group theory, including the Bass - Serre theory of groups acting on trees; the theory of train tracks by Bestvina and Handel for automorphisms of free groups.

With its many examples, exercises, and full solutions to selected exercises, this text provides a gentle introduction that is ideal for self-study and an excellent preparation for applications. A distinguished feature of the presentation is that algebraic and geometric techniques are balanced. The beautiful theory of train tracks is illustrated by two nontrivial examples.

Presupposing only a basic knowledge of algebra, the book is addressed to anyone interested in group theory: from advanced undergraduate and graduate students to specialists.
The text should be welcomed by those who want exposure to the application of group theory within a nonstandard geometric environment.
Zentralblatt MATH
1 Introduction to finite group theory
2 Introduction to combinatorial group theory
3 Automorphisms of free groups and train tracks
Appendix. The Perron-Frobenius Theorem
Solutions to selected exercises

Reprint for sale in India only
2012, 9789380250311, 187 pages, paper cover, Rs: 265.00
Published and distributed in India with permission of the European Mathematical Society