Texts and Readings in Mathematics
Connected at Infinity: A Selection of Mathematics by Indians
Rajendra Bhatia (Editor)
This is a special collection of articles describing the work of some of the best-known mathematicians from India.
The first part contains seven articles by leading experts, each of whom chooses one major research paper by an Indian mathematician and explains to a wider audience its contents, context, importance, and impact. Works by R. C. Bose, S. Chowla, M. S. Narasimhan, M. S. Raghunathan, C. P. Ramanujam, C. S. Seshadri, and S. R. S. Varadhan are included here.
The second part contains four articles that have appeared earlier. Two of them by S. S. Abhyankar explain his own work. The last two are reprints of the finest commentaries on the work of Harish-Chandra.
The book will be of interest to graduate students and research mathematicians who wish to learn more about the contributions of Indian mathematicians to various areas of modern mathematics, including analytic number theory, algebraic groups, geometry, and probability.
Part IA. Dey and R. Mukerjee -- Symmetrical factorial experiments: a mathematical theory
M. R. Murty -- Sieve methods' Siegel zeros and Sarvadaman Chowla
U. N. Bhosle -- On the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem
T. N. Venkataramana -- On the congruence subgroup problem
A. R. Shastri -- Topology of open surfaces: Around a landmark result of C. P. Ramanujam
N. M. Kumar -- On a theorem of Seshadri
S. Ramasubramanian -- Diffusions and the Martingale problem of Stroock and Varadhan
Part II
S. S. Abhyankar -- Historical ramblings in algebraic geometry and related algebra
S. S. Abhyankar -- Resolution of singularities and modular Galois theory
R. Herb -- An elementary introduction to Harish-Chandra's work
V. S. Varadarajan -- Harish Chandrra, his work, and its legacy
Texts and Readings in Mathematics/ 25
2003‚ 9788185931401‚ 263 pages ‚ hard cover‚ Out of Print
2003‚ 9788185931401‚ 263 pages ‚ hard cover‚ Out of Print