Texts and Readings in Mathematics
Basic Ergodic Theory (3/E)
M.G. Nadkarni

The third edition has, among other improvements, a new chapter on Additional Topics that include Liouville's theorem of classical mechanics, basics of Shannon Entropy and the Kolmogorov-Sinai theorem, and van der Waerden's theorem on arithmetical progressions.
1. The Poincar´e Recurrence Lemma 2. Ergodic Theorems of Birkhoff and von Neumann
3. Ergodicity
4. Mixing Conditions and Their Characterisations
5. Bernoulli Shift and Related Concepts
6. Discrete Spectrum Theorem
7. Induced Automorphisms and Related Concepts
8. Borel Automorphisms are Polish Homeomorphisms
9. The Glimm-Effros Theorem
10. E. Hopf 's Theorem
11. H. Dye's Theorem
12. Flows and Their Representations
13.Additional Topics
Texts and Readings in Mathematics/ 6
2013, Hardcover, 9789380250434, Rs.550.00
2013, Hardcover, 9789380250434, Rs.550.00