Other Books in Mathematics
Analytic and Algebraic Geometry
Anilatmaja Aryasomayajula, Indranil Biswas, Archana S. Morye, A. J. Parameswaran (Editors)

On the Bumpy Fundamental Group Scheme
Anilatmaja Aryasomayajula
Heat Kernels, Bergman Kernels, and Cusp Forms
Usha N. Bhosle
On a Conjecture of Butler
Indranil Biswas and Mahan Mj
A Survey of Low Dimensional (Quasi) Projective Groups
Niels Borne
Parabolic Sheaves and Logarithmic Geometry
Emre Coskun
A Survey of Ulrich Bundles
Ananyo Dan
Noether-Lefschetz Locus and a Special Case of the Variational
Hodge Conjecture: Using Elementary Techniques
A. El Mazouni and D.S. Nagaraj
Tangent Bundle of P2 and Morphism from P2 to Gr(2;C4)
Michel Emsalem
Twisting by a Torsor
Viktoria Heu and Frank Loray
Hitchin Hamiltonians in Genus 2
Inder Kaur
Smoothness of Moduli Space of Stable Torsion-free Sheaves with Fixed
Determinant in Mixed Characteristic
Johan Martens
Group Compactifications and Moduli Spaces
Archana S. Morye
The Serre-Swan Theorem for Ringed Spaces
Georg Schumacher
An Extension Theorem for Hermitian Line Bundles
Tathagata Sengupta
Elliptic Fibrations on Supersingular K3 Surface with Artin Invariant 1 in
Characteristic 3
2017, 296 pages, Hardcover,978-93-86279-64-4, Rs.850.00